So today I started my New Year's Resolution: Project Lose Weight (or NYRPLW or just PLW), the first step in my journey to becoming a healthier person was for me to control my own base desires, and in order to do that a schedule must be established. I have started waking up at (wait to be shocked, for a person who sleeps in until 10 typically) 5:30 AM.
I did this for two reasons (in addition to reconditioning my body and mind): 1. It's flippin hot in Sometown, FL in the summer time and the only time you can reasonably exercise without a chance of getting heat stroke (unless you have a pricey air-conditioned gym membership) is before the sun rises and 2. I want to be a farmer someday and they tend to get up before the sun.
I figure that's doing good for the first week, I'm waking up when I am most likely to be able to get the results I want/need to in order to be healthy. Next week I will start walking, gradually increasing my time until I'm walking an hour a day, and eventually I will push it to going further in that hour than I can at first, and I'm really hoping I can keep up with this. Pray for me, I'm praying for you all!