Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I promise...

I'm back and will keep this up more... It's only been six or seven months since my last post.

The reason I haven't been keeping up with this is because I have only (until recently) had intermittent internet... i.e. when I could afford it I had it.

So here's what I've been up to in short: I moved outta my parents house (Praise God!), have been losing weight, have stopped biting my nails, have cross-stitched five or so projects, had a job but quit it, got a new job, moved back in with my parents (stupid bronchitis!), finished about three more cross-stitch projects, attended my brother's wedding (YAY!), made caramel cinnamon rolls from scratch for mom's birthday, went to confession (YAY!!!!!), realized I had gained weight, started discerning, got asked out for a long-distance relationship the same day, moved back out to the country (THANK YOU LORD!!!!), thought and prayed about long-distance relationship- decided against it, and that brings us up to date.

I'll post again later this week and maybe have something meaningful to say. God bless!