Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mary's Call

    I've been thinking a lot about Mary lately. Mary, the Mother of God, that is, not just a random person named Mary. The feast of the Immaculate Conception was last Thursday, and well, Christmas is coming up, so she's been popping up a lot in my prayer life. For those of you who don't know, the feast of the Immaculate Conception is the day that we celebrate God's greatness in keeping Mary free from the stain of original sin in order that she be pure enough to bear God's son, Jesus. I won't get into a deep theological discussion on how that is possible or what not, but it is a big deal and you should look into it :-D.
    So, when I was in Connecticut this past year I met some amazing people. People who had lived lives fraught with desperate circumstances, dreams that didn't come true, and a true and constant faith that saw them through. I worked at St. Joseph's Residence in Enfield, CT for the summer and if you ever have a chance you should meet some of the people who live there. I highly recommend volunteering or working or just visiting one of the elderly residents there. Now, it's not like a typical nursing home, it's not depressing and you can feel the love between staff, residents, and any visitors who come.
    When I was there I received an amazing little prayer book from one of the residents, and it has helped my prayer life immensely. It's called "Mary's Call: Mary, teach me to pray." There's different reflections and devotions, some of which I'd prayed before, and others that I hadn't. One of the reflections shocked me to my core as I thought of the upcoming Christmas season. [We're still in Advent, silly! Of course it's not Christmas yet, that doesn't happen until Dec. 25th and it goes all the way to Epiphany!] How often do we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of trying to get everything done for Christmas do we end up forgetting what it's really all about?
    Anyway, here to remind us all about what Christmas is really about is the reflection that so touched me, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and that it helps you think a bit more about your preparations for Christmas.

  Mary's Christmas Dream

I had a dream, Joseph. 
I don't understand it, not really, 
but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our Son. 
I think that was what it was all about. 
The people had been preparing for it for about six weeks. 
They had decorated the house and bought new clothes. 
They'd gone shopping many times and bought elaborate gifts. 
It was peculiar, though, because the presents weren't for our Son. 
They wrapped them in beautiful paper 
and tired them with lovely bows 
and stacked them under a tree. 
Yes, a tree, Joseph, right in their house. 
They'd decorated the tree also. 
The branches were full of glowing balls and sparkling ornaments. 
There was a figure on top of the tree. 
It looked like an angel might look. 
Oh, it was beautiful. Everyone was laughing and happy. 
They were all excited about the gifts. 
They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph, not to our Son.
I don't think they even knew Him. 
They never mentioned His name.
Doesn't it seem odd for people to go to all that trouble
 to celebrate someone's birthday
 if they don't know Him. 
I had the strangest feeling that 
if our Son had gone to this celebration
 He would have been intruding.
 Everything was so beautiful, Joseph,
 and everyone so gay,
 but it made me want to cry.
 How sad for Jesus- 
not to be wanted at his own birthday party. 
I'm glad it was only a dream. 
How terrible, Joseph, if it had been real.

Mary conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

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